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Gallery » Wave » Video » Donavon Frankenreiter Debuts a New Collection by Billabong
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Donavon Frankenreiter Debuts a New Collection by Billabong
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Da: SurfReport
Venerdì 30 Gennaio 2009
Numero di visite: 3362
Numero di voti: 8
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DescrizioneDonavon Frankenreiter Debuts a New Collection by Billabong » Http:// The Donavon collection by Billabong released this spring season. Based on the duel fantasy of music and surfing, the line includes a very personal take on boardshorts, t-shirts, pants, hats and accessories. A cool new video is attached here. "The collection embraces my surfing philosophy and the musical side of my life and everything that surrounds it ,says Donavon, a reflection of my life over the last 15 years." Donavon has carved a successful career as a free-styling professional wave rider, the leading man in Fuel TVs Drive-Thu series, a surfer known for eccentric board designs, flamboyant bottom turns and a charismatic personality that has made him a one name celebrity in the surfing world who is now on the brink of music stardom. As both a surfer and a musician he has walked the fine line of a stylist with a distinctive flair for both 70s retro chic and contemporary cool. So it is not surprising that with the release of his new album, the Donavon Collection is also set to debut.


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